Different Types of Security Testing

4 min readAug 30, 2021

Security has become an essential component of our lives for a variety of obvious and undisclosed reasons. We can protect ourselves by using security testing fundamentals. Our resources, as well as all the things that are required for survival, must be safeguarded.

We participate in the development of applications that we use on a regular basis. Every digital component receives data from us. Any data we supply is the most useful information anybody can have in today’s technologically developing environment. Because information or data is so important, those who wish to use it are in high demand.

Software users are increasingly worried about the security of the information they keep online. At the end of the day, there’s a good chance that someone will try to steal it. As a result, cybersecurity has become an important requirement for organizations that value their image and enhance customer trust.

1. What is Security Testing

One of the various types of software testing is security testing. It allows for the validation of security across all levels of software as well as the detection of system bugs. When making large changes to systems or deploying new apps into a live production environment, software security tests are essential. Integrating security testing into the product development lifecycle is exceptionally vital, as is retesting the product on a regular basis.

2. Why Security Testing is Important

Security testing is still an important aspect of the application testing process. The testing procedure contributes to the enhancement of reliability and functionality. The goal of performing Security Testing on any program is to ensure that it is reliable and robust. It is critical for those working in the app development industry to produce a solid product. Because it poses no security risks, a dependable application is needed.

3. What are the Different Types of Security Testing

Every app should go through the testing procedure because it aids in the detection of security flaws. Different forms of security testing are used to test every component of the program. The testing procedure varies by application.

The seven different forms of security testing are listed below.

  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Security Scanning
  • Penetration Testing
  • Risk Assessment
  • Security Auditing
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Posture Testing

3.1. Vulnerability Scanning

This sort of security testing comprises the use of automated tools to discover system bugs. Vulnerability scanners check at web apps from the outside in order to detect cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injections, command injections, and unsecured server settings, among other things. The disadvantage of vulnerability scanning is that it can trigger a system crash if it mistakenly believes it’s doing something inappropriate.

3.2. Security Scanning

The goal of security scanning is to determine the system’s overall security level by identifying weak spots and defects. The security scan must be more difficult the more complex the system or network is. It can be done once, but most software development businesses prefer to scan for vulnerabilities on a routine basis.

3.3. Penetration Testing

Pentesting is the act of simulating a cyberattack in order to find vulnerable flaws. Application penetration testing, which looks for technical flaws, and infrastructure penetration testing, which looks at servers, firewalls, as well as other hardware, are the two most frequent types of penetration testing.

3.4. Risk Assessment

The process of identifying and implementing critical security measures in software is known as a security risk assessment. It also emphasizes the avoidance of security flaws and vulnerabilities. Organizations can use a complete security assessment to establish risk levels for systems, servers, apps, and other devices, assess their criticality in terms of business operations and implement preventive policies based on the evaluation results.

3.5. Security Auditing

The practice of testing and evaluating the security of a company’s information system is known as security auditing. A security audit can be used to check the effectiveness of a company’s security plan, detect malicious software, and certify compliance with the laws.

3.6. Ethical Hacking

The process of breaking into a system to uncover vulnerabilities before a harmful attacker can find and exploit them is known as “ethical hacking.” Ethical hackers may utilize the very same tactics and tools as cybercriminals, but only with the authorization of the authorized person; they must also notify management of any vulnerabilities discovered throughout the process.

3.7. Posture Testing

When it comes to cybersecurity, a cybersecurity posture reveals how robust the data security environment is and how well the company can protect itself against cyberattacks. The purpose of posture testing is to get a broad picture of an organization’s security posture, identify any gaps, and determine what activities need to be undertaken to enhance it.


Aside from all of the aforementioned methods of security testing and comprehending the significance of security testing. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution to software security, apart from regular testing. Use this chance to show your consumers that data security is a top priority for the business.

TestDelcombines innovative approaches with experienced staff capable of evaluating the security of online applications, web services, and mobile apps using the most up-to-date technologies and procedures. We do not compromise when it comes to the safety of sensitive data and the fact that Security is responsible for the integrity, and trust of customers. On our website, you may learn more about why every business needs security testing.

TestDel combines innovative approaches based on OWASP (Open Online Application Security Project) guidelines with an experienced staff capable of assessing the security of web applications, web services, and mobile apps using the most up-to-date technologies and techniques.

