Regression Testing with Manual and Automated Testing

6 min readJun 3, 2021

REGRESSION TESTING is a form of software testing used to ensure that a new application or code update hasn’t broken existing features. Regression Testing is simply a complete or partial re-execution of previously executed test cases to ensure that current functionalities are working properly. This testing ensures that new code revisions do not have unintended consequences for existing functionality. It ensures that the outdated code continues to function after the most recent code changes have been made. Besides that, regression testing should be performed while making database or software improvements, fixing bugs, or switching to a new network or operating system.

Use of Regression Testing

The use of regression testing usually arises when there is a need to change the code and we need to test whether the altered code impacts the other parts of the software application or not. Besides that, regression testing is required when a new feature is introduced to a software application, as well as for deficiency and productivity issue resolution.

A Step-By-Step Approach to Performing Systemized Regression Testing

Here’s a 5-step process for performing structured and systematic regression testing:

Step I

Make time for testing. Since time is the first restriction for any software tester, they must be skilled enough to address all aspects of the software in a short period of time.

Step 2

All factors contributing should be addressed. Even if the product’s flaws are corrected, it will still fail to perform as expected. This is often caused by a developer’s inability to address the root causes of defects, instead of focusing on the secondary issues. As a result, it’s important to identify all underlying causes and address them first.

Step 3

Take care of the bugs that have been patched. When developers fix such bugs, they can unintentionally introduce new ones that go overlooked. As a result, testers must be alert and attentive when performing regression tests.

Step 4

Concentrate on the practical aspects. Only certain problems concerning the app’s functionality should be considered during regression testing. While design features are equally significant, you should not spend some time on them in most cases.

Step 5

Create a test suite. The development of such a suite is beneficial in exposing bugs when the program is retested.

Choosing Test Cases for Regression Testing

According to industry statistics, a large number of defects identified by customers were caused by last-minute bug fixes that had unintended consequences, making choosing the Test Case for regression testing an art and not a simple task. The following test cases can be used to create successful regression tests:

  • Test cases with a high number of defects
  • Users would be able to see more features as they are more noticeable.
  • Test cases that validate the product’s core features
  • Test Cases of functionalities that have undergone significant and latest changes
  • All Test Cases for Integration
  • Cases with a boundary value
  • Test cases that have been successful in the past
  • A selection of failed test cases

Tools of Regression Testing

Regression testing costs will rise if the software is frequently updated. Manual execution of test cases increases test execution time and costs in such cases. In such cases, automation of regression test cases is the best option. The amount of automation is determined by the number of test cases that can be reused in subsequent regression phases. The following are the most relevant methods used in software engineering for both practical and regression testing:

  • Selenium is a web application automation platform that is available as an open-source project. Selenium is a browser-based regression testing tool.
  • HP Quick Test Professional (QTP) is a software program that allows you to perform quick tests on your computer. Quick Test Professional is a piece of software that allows you to automate practical and regression tests. It automates using the VBScript programming language. It’s a keyword-driven, data-driven method.
  • Rational Functional Tester (RFT): IBM’s Rational Functional Tester is a Java based for automating software application test cases. It combines with Rational Test Manager and is mainly used for automating regression test cases.

Concerns of Regression Testing

The following are the most common regression testing issues:

  • Test suites grow in size as more regression tests are performed. The entire regression test suite cannot be performed due to time and budget restrictions.
  • Reducing the test suite while still maintaining optimum scope is a difficult task.
  • Determining the frequency of Regression Tests, such as after each change, construct upgrade, or set of bug fixes, is difficult.

Automated Regression Testing

After each change or intermediate launch, regression testing must be done. Features that have not been updated and where there is a low chance of finding bugs must also be checked. As a result, Regression Testing takes a long time; as a result, many companies want to automate the process.

Advantages of Automated Testing

  • Speed: Significantly decreases the amount of time taken to run repetitive tests.
  • Versatility: This activity can be done at any time.
  • Accuracy: Precision and errors are lower as compared to manual testing.
  • Wide Applicability: It can be used in almost every testing procedure.
  • Reporting: Test results are compiled into reports that can be used to make potential changes.

Before deciding to adopt Automated Regression Testing, some key questions that need to be examined are as follows:

  • Which characteristics should be taken into account?
  • What kind of architecture should be used?
  • Which automation tool should be used?

Process of Automation Regression Testing

The following is an 8 step procedure that will assist you in seeking automation for your regression testing:

  • Begin your Regression Testing with the most frequently repeated tests.
  • Focus on the positive outcomes.
  • Start automation when you have a stable build.
  • Don’t put all of your efforts into improving quality right away. To reduce manual QA efforts, automate.
  • Make your scripts short and easy to manage; larger scripts are more costly to develop and maintain.
  • Since the first part of the test typically takes the system to a certain state, the test could fail at the second stage.
  • Run tests in a parallel way.
  • Lengthier and more crucial situations should be operated manually (due to the possibility of device failure due to minor bugs).

Manual Regression Testing

The quality assurance engineers conduct manual regression testing at the end of the two-week cycle. It is, by default, based on existing test cases identified by both developers and testers over a two-week span. There are often sanity tests that comprise a certain set of test cases before the sprint is completed.

When we consider the time needed for such tests, we can estimate that it takes up about 20% of the lineout duration. Manual tests on an app’s UI are critical since they enable the team to recognize important and therefore most common app inconsistencies that must be corrected before moving on to the next app stages of the code.

As a result, the benefits of manual testing are clear: it is independent of something and can be performed at any time. Abandoning manual testing will bring nothing good.

Recommendations for Manual or Automated Testing

Any software development project will be incomplete without regression testing. It can save a lot of time by addressing defects earlier in the development process, lowering the project’s budget requirements.

Manual and automated testing are interconnected and similar testing approaches, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Consider the time spent writing experiments and supporting them before considering regression scenarios automation. Also, do keep in mind that test automation is more expensive than manual tests.

When it comes to choosing between manual and automated regression tests, both should be included in a project. If the team hasn’t had the potential to conduct routine manual tests, it is necessary (and maybe even required) to leave automated regression tests that are often repeated and trimmed out to remove old and obsolete test cases. Manual regression tests should be performed on a regular basis whenever the budget and resources allow.

So, as usual, the entire issue revolves around money. If automating regression testing scenarios saves money without sacrificing product quality, you can increase the number of automated scenarios until the product quality is high and expenses are saved. It is up to you to determine how to balance in this situation, and it is based on your own knowledge and priorities.

